Pornography Addiction
Is Pornography a Problem in Your Life?
“For years I made the excuse, “every man does this” and maybe that is true. For me, surfing the web for porn was not just a once in awhile thing to do. It was consuming all of my down time. I was lying to my wife, avoiding social events, and isolating more and more. Getting the support and tools I needed has put my life and relationship back on track.”
Pornography addiction is something that many of our clients struggle with. As a result many men report an increasing pre-occupation with “surfing the web” for porn which sometimes escalates into strip clubs, prostitution, massage parlors, adult bookstores, and other behaviors that are creating negative consequences in their lives and relationships.
Our clients talk about feeling “out of control” or “unable to stop.” As time invested in on-line pornography activities increase, the results can wreak havoc on the person's life - often risking relationships, work ethics, finances, spirituality and legal issues.
This is our primary clinical specialization at Growth Counseling. Our therapists will work side-by-side with you providing a focused counseling plan and recovery tools. We will assist you in breaking the hold of pornography addiction and achieving healthier sexuality and a more balanced life.
“My husband was lying to me about his pornography use for years. I was at the end of my rope and am so thankful for the work he had done over the last few months. We are starting to re-build our trust. I have learned that it really isn’t about me or my worth, it is about him soothing pain. I am so grateful and I feel like the man I married is starting to come back to me again.”
Has Your Spouse or Partner's Porn Use Hurt You?
If you are the spouse or significant other of a person who is dealing with pornography addiction and or deceptive use of porn (and/or other behaviors as described above), discovering your loved one's secretive behavior often leads to depression, rage, confusion, loneliness, poor self image, overeating or substance abuse, over spending, sexual withdrawal and can even lead to infidelity.
We work with hurting partners and spouses in helping you heal emotional pain and trauma. At GCS we utilize specific tools which are an important part of restoring your heart and your life. We invite you to visit our partner's page to learn more on how you can find support so that you can move from chaos and confusion, to getting your life back on track. You may also want to listen to the podcast on partner's of sex addicts here.
While it is important to remember that sex addiction is not yet a diagnosis in the DSM, the term sex addiction is now a very prevalent part of every day language. It is how clients self identify when seeking treatment for sexual compulsive behaviors.
That said, no matter how one labels compulsive and impulsive sexual choices, the clients we work with deal with the very real and devastating consequences of their secret and usually deceptive sexual choices - often confusing intensity for intimacy and hurting themselves and the ones they love.
Consequences such as broken relationships, a pervasive sense of shame and self loathing, spiritual guilt, academic suspension, diminished respect and trust, job loss and others. You can learn by reading the Informed Consent form here.
Schedule an Appointment
Together we will help move you out of pain, hurt and shame toward a more balanced and joyful life. If you are ready to roll up your sleeves and get started toward healing, growth and change, please contact us.
We welcome your call or email and look forward to supporting your journey ahead.