Creating Epic Relationships for Wildly Successful, Child-Free Couples

Robyn D'Angelo, a licensed marriage therapist and Relationship Coach known as The Happy Couple Expert recently shared the following with me on her upcoming summit. I thought I would share this here as a support to DINK couples. Enjoy!

1. Why was this topic important for you as the summit focus?

This topic is near and dear to my heart for two reason. First: I am part of a DINK relationship and found it hard to connect with friends and family when I had particular struggles. They didn't seem to really be able to empathize and saw my struggles as "whining" or 'trivial.' I was even told on more than one occasion that since I didn't have the added stressor of a child I should be thankful for any stressor because at least it wasn't THAT." And second: I started seeing more and more couples come into my coaching practice with 'DINK Problems' similar to mine - very little support from friends and family which lead to their own questions of "Should we even be fighting about this?" It was causing more problems in relationships all around me so I saw the need to create an event to do provide support, education and be super fun.

2. What is the main thing you hear from your DINK couples in the challenges they face?

Outside of not feeling supported by family and friends, it's truly feeling misunderstood. DINK couples generally don't hate kids or the people who've chosen to have them, they don't all have enormous amounts of discretionary income to travel the world, sex lives that must be insatiable due to all the free time and lack of distractions that kids bring ... and on and on the myths can go. The DINK couples I meet with also have very similar struggles as all other couples - they fight about seemingly trivial things, they feel rejected by their partners now and then, they may feel second to their partner's jobs (also known as the preverbal baby or other woman), and may struggle with dealing with in-laws. People are people first, their roles & titles second. DINK or not, people in relationships struggle and it's my pleasure and absolute honor to help them navigate through those times successfully.

3. What will a person watching your summit gain?

Those who tune into the summit can expect a feeling of warm welcoming by other DINKS (which is really cool when it's the expert themselves), they will hear research, statistics and stories that normalize the choice to remain child-free, they will gain confidence in their choice and learn ways to exude that confidence with joy and ease, they will learn ways to connect or reconnect with their partners, they will learn conflict management tools, they will find out how Tantric exercises can bring their sexual experiences to an etirely new, delicious level, they will learn how to plan for their future financially while having fun living their lives today, and they will learn about the best international travel destinations for DINK couples. And much, much more.

Once they sign up, they will receive a welcome email and invitation to join the Creating Epic {DINK} Relationships Facebook Group where they can connect with, learn from and share with other DINKS. A few experts may even pop in to answer questions and say hello through out the summit.

For those of you interested, here is more information on Robyn's summit:

Creating Epic Relationships for Wildly Successful, Child-Free Couples
Goes Live April 11, 2016
- 21 Experts interviewed by Robyn
- 30 minute, educational, inspiring and captivating video interviews
- Covering topics: conflict management, nutrition, travel, deepening connection, increasing intimacy, financial planning, emotional transitions, the choice to be child free, DINK couples rocking DINK life, female sterilization
- Experts: authors, psychologists, real estate agents, nutriotional coaches, tantra experts, psychotherapist, MD Director of family planning UCDavis, estate planning attorney, reiki master, and more

Robyn D'Angelo is a licensed marriage therapist and Relationship Coach known as The Happy Couple Expert.  She owns a private practice in Laguna Hills, CA and utilizes practical techniques grounded in years of research from the Gottman Method. She encourages healthy communication and deep connection for epic relationships while providing clear, actionable steps to make it happen. Robyn has a special interest in supporting career-focused, child-free couples, to take their good relationships to EPIC love story heights.  She also specializes in helping individuals who struggle with anxiety and the partners who love them.  Her presence radiates positivity with a sense of play, and isn't afraid to offer a little tough love when needed. Robyn gives talks on improving communication in relationships, provides a wealth of useful relationship tips on her YouTube channel, and offers virtual Couples Coaching to clients worldwide.  When not inspiring others through her work, Robyn enjoys a full life with her Navy veteran husband and their dog Mya under the Southern California sun.  To learn more about Robyn and how she helps co-create epic relationships you can visit her at